Monday, April 26, 2010

The three things you should definitely do in life...

Hello again.  It's me, Justin, writing for the last time before the anticipated return of Katy later this evening.  And boy, I can't wait.  As I'm sure you can't either.

Katy will be back with you guys tomorrow with some more brilliant design inspirations and tid-bits about our growing business.  But until then, I thought I'd share with you some thoughts I had while watching...wait for it...some romantic comedies, and some just plain romance...movies over the weekend.  Yes, I will be the first to admit I am a sucker for those movies.  I was actually the founding member of the H.R.A.  Inquire within.

But don't worry, I also grabbed The Fourth Kind and A Perfect Getaway at the local Blockbuster to go along with what most guys and girls alike would consider, Chick Flicks.

But back to my point, while watching these movies, mainly The Timetraveler's Wife, and realizing how much bigger our home feels when you are alone in it for several days, I decided that there are really three things you should definitely do in life.

1.) Fall in love.  First, with yourself.  You are the only one that has to live and be happy with yourself your entire life, so you might as well be exactly who you are and love it.  And once you've fallen in love with yourself, fall in love.  With another.  I'm talking head-over-heels kind of stuff.  Find that best friend of yours.  The one you can be that exact person you are with.  And they love you for it.  That person you miss when they are away for only a little while.  The one when you close your eyes you can see your entire life in front of you with.  The one who makes you smile, your heart smile, with just a simple look.  The one you can say, as quoted from Elizabethtown, "I can't imagine a world without you." 

There are great loves out there like that.  It takes time.  It takes effort.  It takes making a lot of mistakes to get to them.  But once you find them, you'll wonder how you ever lived without them.  And you'll be happier than you've ever been.

But fall in love.  And don't be afraid to do it.  It's worth it.  I assure you.

2.) Once you fall in love, take a road trip.  Whether you plan every second of it out or just start driving down the highway, run away for a bit.  Drop everything.  Your job.  Your worries.  Everything.  And just go.  I promise you, it will be one of those things that you talk about for the rest of your life.  And it will make you see the world in a whole different way.  About what's important.  And what's not.  About relationships.  About life. 

But take a road trip.  Anywhere.

3.) Do something good.  It always seems as though we become so consumed in our own, busy lives that we never take the time to look at the world around us.  We never look to see how we might help others.  Change the world. 

Whether it is starting a global mission to put shoes on peoples' feet like Blake is doing with Toms Shoes (, or just going down to the local soup kitchen once a week to help feed the hungry, do something for someone else.  We are all blessed.  Bless others.

You never know when your effort could change the world for all time. 

I hope you all have an excellent start to your work week. 

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